Resultados: 5

Relationship between multimorbidity and the outcome of the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 41 (), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the influence of multimorbidity on the treatment outcome of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Method: A population-based analytical study, using secondary data, collected from the database of the Notification Disease Information System, of new cases of pulmonary tube...

Exposição corporal do paciente no olhar do acadêmico de enfermagem

Objective: Recognizing the experience of nursing academics in relation to the patient’s body exposure during nursing care conduction in hospital environment. Method: A qualitative descriptive study, performed with nursing academics of a public institution in southern Brazil, between August and September...

Desempenho de serviços de saúde no tratamento diretamente observado no domicílio para controle da tuberculose

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 42 (4), 2008
Este é um estudo exploratório de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, que avalia o desempenho dos serviços de saúde na execução do DOT no domicílio em um município de grande porte. Para a análise quantitativa foram construídos indicadores que avaliaram a otimização dos recursos materiais/huma...

Performance indicators of DOT at home for tuberculosis control in a large city, SP, Brazil

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 16 (1), 2008
The study had the objective to analyze the performance of the health services that implement the Directly Observed Therapy at home for tuberculosis control. This study analyzed four Tuberculosis Control Programs, referred to as A, B, C, and D, using the following indicators: Resource use; Performance qui...

Case management: evolution of the concept in the 80's and 90's

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 10 (4), 2002
Case Management is a term that is present in almost every American health care situation. It is mostly used to coordinate community services with satisfactory results for the patient within a certain period of time, with limited resources. Through time, it has been used for different purposes. The goal o...